Whilst recently
Browsing the web and talking about the Educational systems in various
countries across the world, I decided that I would like to look into
the PISA Test Results and to see where Wales and are placed on the
scales. PISA Tests are basically the results of how well children are
doing in their core subjects in schools and this is then placed on a
scale to see if they are reaching the average goal for achievement.
It is possible to say that it was quite shocking after looking at
these results because Wales was seen not even to be in the top 20
countries and are not achieving as well as they should be, Countries
that are a lot poorer and have less money to spend on educational
tools are still achieving higher results where I found difficult to
understand why this could be, As massive investments have been made
in schools and the results did not shift. After thinking about this I
think it is possible that more training could possible be done in
schools and pupils should be given more challenging and meaningful
activities. Many pupils in secondary schools Believe that there is no
reason to want to learn as there are minimum jobs and hard to find
work so they feel its not really needed. I think That if children
want to learn and feel the reason for it then they will become more
involved in activities of learning.
Below is a table showing where various countries are at on the scale according the mathematical development scores.
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