Thursday, 20 February 2014

Technology being the enemy of an outdoor childhood.

                                     Technology being the enemy of an outdoor play!
Recently over Christmas my brother got a new phone and an Xbox, I was concerned as I noticed that because of these new gadgets he got that he was spending a large amount of time playing with these and he was not engaging as much with the family or friends or doing social activities. After thinking about this I found a blog online talking about whether technology is the enemy of an outdoor childhood. This blog talks about childhood being the time where we learn best about the world and develop in all areas, meaning children need to be engaged with the world, socialising and gaining first hand experiences to gain new knowledge and develop skills to reach full potential. As new gadgets are being brought in to young children’s lives it has been seen that they spend very little time doing activities that help with this. Technology is helping lead to childhood obesity as children are not using their gross motor skills by being out in the physical world as much as they should be, socialising and learning with others. It is seen that technology is very god for helping children’s problem solving and challenging them to use their thinking skills. I believe that these gadgets can be used to give children educational experiences such as Apps to help maths or English development. So these gadgets can be seen to be good for children but I think that they should be given the correct amount of time to use gadgets and still be provided with stimulating social and physical activities within the environment as this will help with their development and also lower the risk of obesity. By making it aware that too much time spent using gadgets can be potentially harmful to children’s health then it can be made possible to provide them with the appropriate stimulation to learn new skills and gain new knowledge.

Technology being the enemy of an outdoor childhood [Online] Available at:[Accessed 14th January 2014]

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post, thought provoking and topical. I would suggest that we can combine the two if we can't split them. Can we for example take the tech outside? Can we use it to get creative outdoors, set challenges with it that encourage physical activity?
