Thursday, 20 February 2014

An educational trip to plantasia.


During last term as a group we decided to go to Plantasia for a trip so we could see how this type of educational visit helps towards educating children. Plantasia is an environment where tropical plants and animals from around the world are situated and it was very colourful, Creative and encourages you to go and explore the many different areas. I know that this is a good trip to take children on as it encourages children to go and explore the different areas. In the many areas children are encouraged to use their thinking skills to answer questions, find out what different animals and plants are and also look for places on the maps and find out where the specific animals and plants have come from. We also thought it was good that children are able to contribute to their trip by writing their own poems and they can be placed up on the walls. We saw other schools visiting Plantasia and we could see that the children were really enjoying themselves and engaged in the activities prepared. This type of visit is good for getting children to develop upon their Knowledge and understanding of the world and developing upon their self esteem and confidence by having their work put up on the walls. We really enjoyed this activity and thought about taking this trip to the classroom to develop children's learning and understanding further by writing sentences about their trip, their favourite animals and their preferred places around the world, knowing where different food comes from.


Technology being the enemy of an outdoor childhood.

                                     Technology being the enemy of an outdoor play!
Recently over Christmas my brother got a new phone and an Xbox, I was concerned as I noticed that because of these new gadgets he got that he was spending a large amount of time playing with these and he was not engaging as much with the family or friends or doing social activities. After thinking about this I found a blog online talking about whether technology is the enemy of an outdoor childhood. This blog talks about childhood being the time where we learn best about the world and develop in all areas, meaning children need to be engaged with the world, socialising and gaining first hand experiences to gain new knowledge and develop skills to reach full potential. As new gadgets are being brought in to young children’s lives it has been seen that they spend very little time doing activities that help with this. Technology is helping lead to childhood obesity as children are not using their gross motor skills by being out in the physical world as much as they should be, socialising and learning with others. It is seen that technology is very god for helping children’s problem solving and challenging them to use their thinking skills. I believe that these gadgets can be used to give children educational experiences such as Apps to help maths or English development. So these gadgets can be seen to be good for children but I think that they should be given the correct amount of time to use gadgets and still be provided with stimulating social and physical activities within the environment as this will help with their development and also lower the risk of obesity. By making it aware that too much time spent using gadgets can be potentially harmful to children’s health then it can be made possible to provide them with the appropriate stimulation to learn new skills and gain new knowledge.

Technology being the enemy of an outdoor childhood [Online] Available at:[Accessed 14th January 2014]

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Outdoor play!

I have recently after playing simple games with my nephew looked into play and how much outdoor play actually helps stimulate a child’s development in all areas. I came across a website with various blogs from people talking about the different types of play and the impact on children. I was able to see that after watching a video on a little boy at a playground that play has a great impact to the way children learn and develop in all areas. I was ale to see children communicating, socialising with each other and learning by sharing, observing and helping each other. Outdoor play helps develop mathematical skills by counting for example whilst playing hopscotch. I know that this type of play helps also with imaginative and physical development and it gets children moving and using their fine and gross motor skills and I know this helps with children exercising and becoming engaged with the outdoor environment. As obesity is rising more outdoor play will help towards keeping this down for some good time. By simple outdoor playing I know is very good towards many areas and children are enjoying whilst learning.

Here is a video just showing how much play can make children's learning that much happier and more engaging.

Outdoor play[Online] Available at:[Accessed [Accessed 04 February 2014]

PISA Test results.

Whilst recently Browsing the web and talking about the Educational systems in various countries across the world, I decided that I would like to look into the PISA Test Results and to see where Wales and are placed on the scales. PISA Tests are basically the results of how well children are doing in their core subjects in schools and this is then placed on a scale to see if they are reaching the average goal for achievement. It is possible to say that it was quite shocking after looking at these results because Wales was seen not even to be in the top 20 countries and are not achieving as well as they should be, Countries that are a lot poorer and have less money to spend on educational tools are still achieving higher results where I found difficult to understand why this could be, As massive investments have been made in schools and the results did not shift. After thinking about this I think it is possible that more training could possible be done in schools and pupils should be given more challenging and meaningful activities. Many pupils in secondary schools Believe that there is no reason to want to learn as there are minimum jobs and hard to find work so they feel its not really needed. I think That if children want to learn and feel the reason for it then they will become more involved in activities of learning.

Below is a table showing where various countries are at on the scale according the mathematical development scores.
Pisa test results UK[Online][Accessed 03 February 2014]